Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650

<h1>SPECIAL NOW-Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650 </h1>

##where to buy - Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650

Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650

Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650
Category : elektronik,kamera,exclusive,laptop,kitchen

One of the items have been the present day adorn the sidereal day - your day . Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650 is one merchandise the specific is restricted . The process of marketplace requirement that much, it is going to make Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650 will quickly sold out. Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650 is engineered with the entire particulars for your appliance in use. A item that has a complex gustatory perception, so you will be contented in using it. Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650 I extremely highly recommend, and some avid gamers likewise strongly recommend .

On sale now at cheap price, special discounts and fast shipping. I am quite satisfied with their qualities and highly recommend it to anyone hunting for a high quality product with the newest specifications at an reasonable. You can read testimony from buyers to find out more from their experience. Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650 has worked beneficial for me and I wish it will do wonders on you too. So why waste much more time? Have Fun, you understand where you can purchase the best ones.

Some people reviews speak that the Ei Electronics runder Rauchmelder Ei-650 are splendid luggage. Also, It Is a pretty well product for the price. Its great for colony on a tight budget. Weve found pros and cons on this type of product. But overall, Its a supreme product and we are well recommend it! When you however want to know more details on this product, so read the reports of those who have already used it.




Der Ei650 ist ein Rauchwarnmelder der neuesten Generation mit integriertem Mikroprozessor und automatischer Verschmutzungskompensation.

Der Rauchwarnmelder arbeitet nach dem Streulichtprinzip und verfügt über eine fest eingebaute 10-Jahres-Lithiumbatterie.

Sein Easy-Press-Knopf, die Stummschaltfunktion sowie der Verzicht auf störende LED-Blink-Signale machen ihn besonders anwenderfreundlich.

Ausstattung und Funktion:

Fest eingebaute 10-Jahres-Lithium-Batterie (3 V)

Großer Easy-Press-Knopf (Ø 5 cm)

Temporäre Stummschaltfunktion für Fehlalarme

Anschwellende Testlautstärke - angenehmere Geräuschkulisse beim Test

Automatische Verschmutzungskompensation


"Schlafzimmertauglich" (kein störendes LED-Blinken)


VdS-geprüft nach VdS 3131 - Qualitätskennzeichnung "Q"

Gehäusefarbe: Weiß, ähnlich RAL 9010

Abmessungen: Ø = 115 mm/H = 45 mm

Produktlebensdauer: 10 + 1 Jahre

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